
* 本页面总结英语初二基础必备类单词的相关内容。

able adj.能够的
ability n.能力
be able to do = can do
ability to do

disable v.使人伤残,使物损坏
disabled adj.残疾的
a disabled man 残疾人

I'm able to do it.
I have the ability to do this job.
I've always wanted to be able to speak Japanese.
It will disable your computer.
Carter was disabled in the war.

act v.行为;扮演
action n.行为
action movie 动作片
activity n.活动

If you act at once you can make it reality and succeed.
We have to take action.
Everybody likes to join in this activity.

add v.加

Can I add your WeChat number?

advice n.建议
advise v.建议
advise sb to do/not to do sth

Your advice was a great help to me.
In fact, I advised them not to do that.

agent  n.代理人
agency  n.代理机构

My mom is an insurance agent.保险代理员
housing agent 经纪人
My father runs an insurance agency.保险代理机构
housing agency 房产中介

agree v.同意
agreement n.同意
agreeable adj.同意的;惬意的

They had made an agreement.
My parents are quite agreeable to my studying abroad.

almost adv.计划;差不多
almost all of the people/students

He's almost as old as I am.
Have you almost reached the target?

already  adv.已经

When we got there, the train had already left.

although conj.尽管,虽然

He can fly although he is a pig.

angry adj.生气的
be angry with
anger n.生气

Don't be angry with me
"No!", shee shouted in anger.

apartment  n.公寓
house 独门独院的房子

She lives in a small apartment.

arm n.胳膊;武器
arms dealer 军火商
army n.军队(陆军)
navy 海军
air force 空军

Dave has a broken arm
He joined the army when he was 17

article n.文章(权威)
passage n.一段文字

There is an article on Baby Talk in the newspaper.

as prep.作为 conj.就像;当……时候 = when;因为
as long as 只要

A flat stone was used as a table
Do as I say!
As long as she did this, all would be well.
As you are a child, you have to listen to your parents.

available  adj.可得到的(物);有空吗(人)
sth is available
Are you available tonight?

WIFI is easily available in public.

become v.变成

My dream is to become a beautiful butterfly.

begin v.开始
begin to do sth
beginning n.开始
at the beginning of

A new day has begun.
She's been here since the beginning of this year.

believe v.相信
unbelievable adj.不可相信的

Do you believe me?
It is unbelievable, but i like that.

below prep. 在……下面
above prep. 在……上面

The dog is sleeping below the desk.

better adj/adv. 更好的

My French is better than my Spanish.

bike/bicycle n.自行车

Shall we ride a bicycle there?

interested adj.有兴趣的人
interesting adj.有趣的物
bin interested in 对……感兴趣

excited adj.令人兴奋的
exciting adj.兴奋的

break v.打破;折断; n.休息 v.违背
broke v.打破
broken adj.破碎的

break one's arm/leg
break your promise
Now, let's have a five minutes break.

build v.修建
building n.建筑物

It takes five years to build this building.

butter n.黄油
butterfly 蝴蝶

He spread some butter on his bread.

calendar n.日历
solar 阳历
lunar 阴历

celebrate v.庆祝
celebrate sth
celebration n.庆祝

How do you usually celebrate New Year?
We're having a small celebration for Dad's birthday.

certain adj.当然的
certainly adv.当然地
be certain/sure about sth 确定……

Are you certain about that?

character n.人物;角色(整体)
characteristic n.特征;特点,常用作复数

What does your character do?
Everyone has his own characteristic.

cheap adj.便宜的
cheaply adv.便宜地

This book is very cheap.

cheese  n.奶酪
chocolate n.巧克力
coffee n.咖啡
Espresso 浓缩咖啡
Americano 美式咖啡
Machiatto 玛奇朵
caffe latte 拿铁
caffe Mocha 抹茶

choose v.选择
choice n.选择
make your choice

Which one do you finally choose?

clear adj.清楚的;明白;清晰
clearly adv.清楚地

Are you clear about what I said?
A clear sky
The question wasn't very clear.
I can see things clearly with the help of the glasses.

close adj.接近的
my close friend 发小

The ball is close to the hole.
Korea is close to China.
next to 挨着

college n.学院;大学
university n.综合性大学

comedy n.喜剧
comedian n.喜剧演员
tragedy 悲剧

This is a highly successful TV comedy.
Champlin was regarded as one of the greatest comedians.

comfortable adj.舒服的
comfortably adv.舒适地

common adj.普通的;常见的
common people 老百姓
have sth in common 有共同点

concert n.音乐会

cook v.烹饪;n.厨师
cooker n.厨具

corn n.玉米
pop-corn 爆米花

All our chickens are fed on cron.

crowd n.群
crowded adj.拥挤的

culture n.文化

decide v.决定
decision n.决定
make decision

diary n.日记
keep diary 记日记
dairy n.奶制品
DQ = dairy queen

Linda kept a diary during the war years.

die v.死亡
dead adj.死亡的
death n.死亡

rat 野老鼠
mouse 小老鼠家鼠

differ v.与……不同
differ from
different adj.不同的
be different from
difference n.不同

What's the difference between them?

dig n.挖

The tiger is digging a hole.

discuss v.讨论
discussion n.讨论
discuss sth 讨论某事

He refused to discuse the case publicly.
Many questions are under discussion.

duck n.鸭子

earth n.地球;土壤
earthworm 蚯蚓

There are many forms of life on our earth.

educate v.教育
education n.教育
educational adj.教育的
educator n.教育从业者

It takes patience to educate children.

enough adj.充足的 adv.充足地
big enough 此时为副词 可有可无

Is there enough time?

environment n.环境
environmental adj.环境的
environmental protection 环境保护

How do we change our environment?
An environmental group has been set up.建立,成立

event n.大事

Wedding is a big event in our life.


ever adv.从来;曾经

Have you ever been abroad?

expect  v.预期;期待
expectation n.期待

expect to do sth 期待做某事

Every mother expects her child to grow up happily.

experience n.经验
experienced adj.有经验的

I konw this by experience.
She's an experienced pilot.

expert n.专家

fantastic adj.极好的

full v.充满
full adj.满的

He filled the glass with water
The kitchen was full of smoke

film n.电影
movie n.电影(美)

The film has just started

fresh adj.新鲜的
fresh air/fruit/vegetables

glue n.浇水
stick n.小棍子
chopsticks 筷子

Pass me the glue.
pass sb sth
pass sth to sb

grade n.分数;评分等级;年级
gradual 逐渐地

I'm in grade five 五年级

guest n.客人
customer 顾客

Most of the wedding guest had left.

hang v.悬挂
hanger n.衣服架

Hang the picture on the wall.
She took off her jacket and hung it on a hanger

hardly adv.几乎不
hard adj/adv 硬的
study hard 努力学习

I can hardly believe it

health n.健康
healthy adj.健康的
wealth n.财富
wealthy adj.富有的

They drink to his health.
The child is very healthy.

hen n.土鸡
chicken 速成鸡、鸡肉
chicks 小鸡

hobby n.兴趣爱好

hole n.洞
dig a hole

honey n.蜂蜜
honeymoon n.蜜月
sweet heart 甜心

improve v.提高
improve sth

We all want to improve our lives

information n.信息
info 缩写

joke n.笑话,玩笑 v.开玩笑
I am joking = I am kidding

junk food 垃圾食品
pizza、hamburger、Fried Chicken、donuts甜甜圈

kid n.小孩 v.开玩笑
kidney 肾

laugh v.笑
laughter n.笑
smile 微笑

I almost died of laughter.

little - less - least
at least 最少
at most 最多

It takes at least five hours to finish the homework

lose v.失去
loose adj.松的
tight adj.紧的
lose one's way 迷路

Do you know how to lose weight?

loud adj.大声的
aloud adv.大声地
loudly adv.大声地

machine n.机器

magazine n.杂志
Read magazine
newspaper 新闻

That magazine comes out every Monday
The movie will come out next week
上映、出版,根据语境不同翻译come out

magic n.魔法
magician n.魔术师

Do you believe in magic?
believe sb 信任某人说的话
believe in sb = trust 信任某人

meal n.餐。代表所有的餐

medicine n.药
pill 药片儿
tablet 像圆桌一样的药片

He has to take pills everyday

menu n.菜单

mile n.英里

mind n.心智 v.介意
keep sth in mind 记住

Never mind about that

mirror n.镜子;镜像
miracle 奇迹

mistake n.错误
make a mistake
make mistakes
by mistake

mix v.混合 n.混血儿

Mix it up.

necessary adj.必须的

It’s necessary to have some fresh fruit ervery day.

new adj.新的
news 新闻,不可数
a piece of news 一条新闻

normal adj.正常的 n.师范
Beijing Normal University

All I want is to lead a normal life.
lead a * life 过一个……的生活

once adv.曾经;一次
at once 立刻
all at once 突然
once up a time 曾经,很久很久以前

I've been there once.
He once lived in Shanghai.

opening n.开幕仪式
closing 闭幕仪式
opening ceremony 开幕仪式

He attended the opening of the new theater.

organize v.组织
organization n.组织

How do you organize your team?
WHO is short for World Health Organization.
be short for ……的简称

oven n.烤箱
micro wave oven 微波炉

own adj.自己的 v.拥有 = have

It's my own.
I want to have a sister of my own.
An american owened the company.

paint v.刷油漆 n.油漆
painting 油画;画油画

I need a can of blue paint.
I shall paint the gate green.

peel v.剥皮

Please peel an Apple for me.

pepper n.胡椒粉

percent n.百分之……

perform v.表演;表现;处理
performance n.表演;性能

the  computer's performance
How did you perform in the exam?
This evening's performance will begin at 8.00 pm.

person n.个人
personal adj.个人的
people 指很多人,单复数同体

He is a person one can trust
The car is for personal use only.

physical adj.身体的
physics 物理
physician n.医生

Youth is the time of physical growth.
physical and mental health 身心健康

pilot n.飞行员

planet n.行星
star n.恒星

plant n.植物;工厂
chemical 化工厂

Don't forget to water the plants.
Her mother worked in this plant.

plate n.盘子
dish 盘子;菜

point n.点 v.指

We want to be quite clear on this point.
He stood up and pointed his finger at me.

pollute v.污染
pollution n.污染

The factory pollutes the air and water.
Such music is pollution to the ear.

poor adj.贫穷的;技能差的

She comes form a poor family
My English is poor

pot n.锅
hot pot 火锅

pour v.倾倒

It's pouring outside 倾盆大雨

pretty adj.美丽的 = beautiful
adv.相当地 pretty good

primary adj.最初的;最早的;最重要的
primary school 小学

The primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English
The disease is still in its primary stage.

print v.印刷
printer 打印机

prize n.奖品;奖金

If you find the lucky egg, you win a prize.

program n.节目;程序

promise v./n.承诺
keep one's promise 
break one's promise

I promise to do all these things

question n./v.疑问

quiet adj.轻轻的;安静的
quietly adv.轻轻地

result n.结果

He put up the exam result

rocket n.火箭

The rocket was launched from a space research base

role n.职能;角色

The forest plays an important role in the climate.

salt n.盐
salty adj.咸的

sandwich n.三明治

saying n.谚语
idiom 谚语;习语

You can't judge a book by its cover, as the old saying goes.

screen n.屏幕

self-improvement n.自我提升
improve oneself 提升你自己

send v.发送

serious adj.严肃的;严重的
seriously adv.严肃地;严重地;人真地

I'm not kidding, I'm serious

serve v.提供
service n.服务
servant n.仆人

Who will I serve?
What do you think of our service?
= How do you like sth

shake v.动摇
shake one's head 不同意
nod one's haed 同意

shape n.形状;体型
the shape of sth

share v.分享
buy shares 买股票
share sth with sb

same adj.一样的
similar adj.相似的

simple adj.简单的

soap n.肥皂

I often wash my face with soap

spoon n.勺

stand v.忍受;站立(因为在欧洲人的思想中,站立是一种惩罚,罚站)

Can you stand the pain?

sugar n.糖
candy 糖果


surprise v./n.惊讶
surprised adj.惊讶的
surprising adj.让人惊讶的

To my surprise, she failed the exam.
I was surprised at the news about his death.

swing n.秋千 v.摇摆
wing n.翅膀

Kids are playing on the swing.
Let your arms swing as your walk.

teenager n.青少年

temperature n.温度

What's the temperature today?
It's 8 degrees
It's negative 8 degrees 零下

theater = theatre n.剧场;戏院;电影院
go to the theater/movie

through prep.穿过(从内部)

The dog jumps through the circle

ticket n.票

Before the Spring Festival, it is hard to get a train ticket

touch v.感动;触摸
touching adj.感人的

trade n./v.贸易
trader n.商人

The company trades in silk and tea

tradition n.传统
traditional adj.传统的

Do you like the Chinese traditional silk?

trust v./n.信任;相信
believe 相信某人说的话

I trust him from the bottom of my heart
= I trust him completely.

turkey n.火鸡

twice adv.两倍;两次

twice a day
THREE times a day

umbrella n.雨伞

unless conj.除非 = if……not……

She won't go to sleep unless you tell her a stroy.
= if you don't tell her a story.

wallet n.钱包,男士的钱夹
purse 女士钱包

wet adj.潮湿的

I am wet all over 全身的

win v.赢
win the game
winner n.胜利者

How can I win back her trust?

bad adj.坏的
badly adv.坏地
worse adj./adv.更坏的;更坏地
worst adj./adv.最坏的;最坏地

I have some bad news for you
Rob did very badly in his history exam
The traffic is much worse after 5 o'clock
The UK is neither the best nor the worst.

yogurt n.酸奶

broad adj.宽广的
abroad adv.国外地
go abroad 去国外
live abroad 住在国外

accident n.事故(偶然发生)
incident n.事件(有人为因素)

She hand in a report of the incident

achieve v.取得
achievement n.成就

actual adj.实际的
actually adv.实际地

What time are you actually leaving?

adult n.成人
adolescent adj.青少年的

Some children find it difficult to talk to adults.

against prep.和……相反
be against it 反对
be for it 赞成

the battle against the crime 打击犯罪的战役
Are you against it or for it?

alarm n.闹钟
alarm rings at 7 o'clock

allow v.允许
allow sb to do sth

alone adv.独自地,无感情色彩
lonely adj.孤独的

I live alone. but I don't fill lonely

amaze v.让某人感动惊讶
amazed adj.惊讶的
amazing adj.令人惊讶的

Dave amazed his friends by suddenly getting married.
Have you ever heard of sb?

among prep.在……之中,常用于三者及三者以上
between 在……之间

The girl quickly disappeared among the crowd.

amuse v.逗某人开心
amusement n.开心
amusement park 游乐园

He made funny faces to amuse the children/

ancient adj.古老的
= old

apart adv.分离地

We had to pull them apart

area n.地区

argue v.争吵
argue about sth
I argue that = I think that

Asia n.亚洲
Asian adj.亚洲的

sleep v.睡觉
asleep adj.睡着
wake v.醒来
awake adj.醒着的
go to sleep
be/fall asleep
get up
wake up

band n.乐队;带状物
hair band 发带
bandage n.绷带

beat v.敲打(连续)
hit v.撞击(一次性)

The rain is beat the window

beauty n.美;美女
beautiful adj.美丽的

belong v.属于
belong to

blind adj.瞎的
blindness 盲人

blood n.血
bleed v.流血

Her body was found in a pool of blood.

borrow v.借(进来)
borrow from
lend v.借出

Can I borrow your pen for a minute?
Can you lend me 10 yuan unitl tomorrow?

brave adj.勇敢的
bravery n.录取

It was brave of you to speak in front of all those people
it is + adj + of sb + to do sth

break v.打破;折断;违背(承诺);休息
broken adj.破碎的
break up 分手

breath n.呼吸
breathe v.呼吸

bright adj.明亮的

camera n.照相机;摄像头

carry v.携带

cause v.造成;引起,导致; n.原因;事业
cause sb to do sth

What cause to change your mind?

cent n.分
century n.世纪

The church was built in the 13th century

certain adj.确定的
certainly adv.确定地

I'm not certain when it will be ready

challenge v./n.挑战

The company is ready to meet the challenge of the next few years.

cheat v.欺骗
cheat on 出轨;背叛

The man cheated on his wife
She is haunted by the fear that her husband has an affair.
have an affair with sb 和某人有染

check v./n.检查
go through the security check 安检
body check 体检

chore n.杂物
household chores 家务事

class n.班级;阶级
classic adj.经典的
classical adj.古典的
the working class 农民工阶级
the middle/upper class 中产/上等

clear v.清理干净;adj.清楚地;明朗的

It's Kelly's turn to clear the table

limb n.四肢
climb v.攀登(b不发音)
climber n.攀登者

tomb 坟墓
comb 梳子

cloud n.云
cloudy adj.多云的

complete adj.完全的
completely adv.完全地

condition n.条件
AC = air condition 空调
conditioner 护发素
champ 洗发水

The living/work condition here is so poor.

continue v.继续
continue to do sth
= go on doing sth

control v.控制

How do I control myself?

copy v.复制
paste 粘贴

cough v./n.咳嗽

count v.数
countdown n.倒计时

Count from 1 to 100

couple n.一对……
a couple of…… 一些 = some

That couple have a very happy life
You'll be all right in a couple of days

crayon n.彩色铅笔

date n.日期;约会;枣

deaf adj.聋的
blind 瞎的
blind date 相亲

deal n.交易

It's a deal 就这么说定了

decide v.决定
decide to do sth
decision n.决定
make ones decision

deep adj.深的

depend v.依靠
dependent adj.依靠的

I have to depend on these foods.

desert n.沙漠
dessert n.甜点

develop v.发展
development n.发展

difficult adj.困难的
difficulty n.困难

It used to be difficult to get drinking water here

due adj.到期的
be due 到期

emperor n.皇帝
king n.皇帝

equator n.赤道
equal 相等的

fan n.粉丝

I'm a big fan of G.E.M.

fear v./n.害怕
fear to do sth

Fear caused his hair to rise

feel v.感觉
feeling n.感觉

I feel you 我理解你

fever n.发烧

She's running a fever.
She has a fever 

fiction n.小说

finger n.手指

thumb n.拇指
index finger 食指
middle finger 中指
ring finger 无名指
small finger 小指

fit v.适合 = suit
fitting room 试衣间

fix v.修理
repair 修理
mend 修补衣服

fold v.折叠
folder 文件夹

Put the card in the folder

force n.力量 v.强迫
force sb to do sth 用武力

forever adv.永远地

They will live forever in our hearts

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