
* 本页面总结英语初一简单复合类单词的相关内容。

notebook n.笔记本
note n.笔记
make note 记笔记

You can make notes in a notebook.

strawberry n.草莓
straw 草
Berry 浆果

pancake n.烙饼
pan n.平底锅

Pans are used to make pancakes.

subway n.地铁
subtitle n.字幕

The subway is very crowded in Guangzhou.

supermarket n.超市
market n.市场

She went to the supermarket with her mother.

bookcase  n.书架
suitcase 旅行箱

case 画面感就是一个箱子,框出来的一个空间
in the case 情况

He took a book from the bookcase.

* 本页内容参考以下数据源:

凯冰科技 · 代码改变世界,技术改变生活